One of life’s most difficult challenges is losing a loved one. In those heart-breaking moments, finding comfort and solace can seem impossible. However, there are ways to honour the memory of our beloved ones in meaningful and inspiring ways – memorial jewellery is a lovely way to remember loved ones and a way to have them with you at all times, necklace for ashes would be a beautiful item of jewellery for you to remember your loved one. Fundraising for charitable causes that would have mattered to them is also a great idea. Fundraising offers an opportunity not only to remember those we have lost but also to benefit and help others who are facing similar struggles. Let’s explore how one can go about fundraising for charities and what charity options might be best for you.
Choosing a Charity
When considering which charity you would like to fundraise for, first consider the interests of your loved one and any issues or causes they may have been passionate about; you may wish to consider organisations such as the Red Cross or a charity related to the medical condition that caused your loved one’s death. You can then research charities to determine which ones may be the most suitable for your needs. Knowing where your money is going and what it will be used for is also important.
Examples of different charities
Great Ormond Street Hospital, or GOSH, is a world-renowned treatment centre for children where every day, around 600 children and young people from across the UK arrive for life-changing treatments. Every day, the brightest minds come together to achieve pioneering medical breakthroughs that change the lives of thousands of children and the world. This extraordinary hospital has always depended on charitable support. So that is why this charity exists.
The Make-A-Wish Foundation is a charity that grants wishes to children with life-threatening illnesses. The foundation makes a point of working with each child and their family to ensure that the child’s wish is something that will bring them joy and hope in the midst of their difficult situation.
The British Red Cross is a humanitarian organisation that provides relief in the wake of natural disasters and other emergencies; they provide equipment, space and resources to those affected by an emergency which helps them recover. The organisation also works to prevent disasters through education and training, providing blood and blood products to hospitals and other medical facilities.
As the single biggest funder of cardiovascular research in the UK, the BHF pay for nearly £100 million of research annually. They raise money to fund research to prevent, detect, treat and cure all heart and circulatory diseases, including heart attacks, strokes and vascular dementia, and all the conditions or risk factors that can cause them, like diabetes and high blood pressure.
‘Our vision is a world free from the fear of heart and circulatory diseases. We raise money to research cures and treatments to give people more time with the ones they love.’
At Macmillan Cancer Support, they research the changing needs of people living with cancer and those who support them. They do this to deliver services and campaigns and do whatever it takes to support people living with cancer when they need us most.
Macmillan offers a variety of events in the calendar year (which can be found on their website), from marathons and coffee mornings to Sober October – no matter your interests or capabilities, there is an event for you! These much-needed fundraisers aid Macmillan’s mission to provide quality support to those impacted by cancer. Your participation can take many forms – why not host your own activity? Get involved today and make a difference with Macmillan!
Fundraising Methods
You can raise money for a chosen charity in many different ways. You could host an event such as a bake sale, car wash, fancy dress day at work, dinner party, or silent auction; create donation sheets in your local community; utilize crowd-funding sites such as GoFundMe; or even collect donations through social media platforms such as Facebook. If there’s an activity that ties into something your loved one enjoyed doing while they were alive, this could make it even more special when raising funds in their memory. The most important thing to remember is that even a small donation goes a long way.
Individual Fundraising
Individual fundraising involves creating an individual page on a specific website dedicated solely to your cause and its related activities and events. This page allows people from all over the world—friends, family members, colleagues—to make donations directly into your account on the website without knowing how online transactions work. Additionally, individual fundraising provides individuals with a platform through which they can share information about their cause with anyone who visits the page – thus providing them with an effective way of promoting their charity work among their peers and beyond!
Benefits Of Giving Charitably During Difficult Times
Charity Fundraising during difficult times has many benefits beyond simply helping others who are less fortunate than yourself. It can also be cathartic, providing an outlet for your emotions while honouring the memory of your lost loved one in a meaningful way. It can also help connect you with others who have gone through similar experiences by providing an opportunity for engagement within the community around you or even online through crowd-funding campaigns like GoFundMe or Kickstarter. Finally, it helps create positive change by supporting causes that are important to you, which is something that your lost loved one would likely have appreciated too!
Fundraising is a great way to honour someone who has passed away and raise awareness of issues that matter most to us today while supporting relevant charities in our community at large! Whether you decide on hosting an event or creating donation sheets in your neighbourhood—or even if you opt for individual fundraising via social media platforms—your efforts will surely be appreciated by those in need while allowing us all to remember our loved ones fondly and carry out their legacies effectively!