Inlaid Sterling Silver Signet Ring

From £215.00

Express Manufacturing - 14 working days from receiving your loved one’s ashes: £24.95

Orders over £450 receive free silver ashes star decoration. Use code Freestar.


A timeless classic, our stunning sterling silver signet ring is also a beautiful way to keep your loved one forever close.

With their ashes or hair delicately inlaid into the top section, this striking Signet Ring is a stunning piece of jewellery to wear and as a gift or personal keepsake, and it will leave a long-lasting impression.

How To Order

How To Order

A truly special keepsake

Our ashes inlaid signet ring as an everlasting reminder of your loved one. Our specialist jewellers will inlay your loved one’s ashes into this sterling silver signet ring. You can choose from a variety of dazzling glitter colours to add sparkle to your gem.

With the ring head measuring 12mm in diameter and the shank tappers at the back to 3mm at the back, this is a ring that can be worn both night and day. Using only top-quality sterling silver you can be assured that quality is always at the heart of our work.

The classic styling of our signet ring will be something you will love to wear, knowing your loved one is always near to hand. Our jewellers will always treat your loved one’s ashes or hair with the utmost respect – once you place your order, you will be sent a pack with full instructions so you can send us a heaped teaspoon of ashes or a small lock of hair.

All our Ashes Jewellery comes with free UK delivery and will be sent to you in a beautifully printed gift box. To keep your ashes inlaid Signet Ring looking beautiful, we recommend that you regularly clean it with a jewellery cloth.

Additional information


Sterling Silver


Unknown Size, R, S, T, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, Z1

Glitter Colour

Silver, Gold, Red, Black, Magenta Pink, Rose Gold, Cadbury Purple, Claret Purple, Emerald Green, Peridot Green, Sapphire Blue, Topaz Blue, No Glitter


No Thankyou, Yes – Standard Engraving (+£25.00), Yes – Standard Engraving (+£30.00), Yes – Handwriting Engraving (+£40.00), Yes – Handwriting Engraving (+£45.00)

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