Losing a loved one is an emotionally trying and difficult experience, especially for children. It can leave them feeling confused, scared and overwhelmed and have multiple difficult emotions. When a parent or guardian dies, children are left to process the passing of someone they’ve grown to love and look up to in the midst of tragedy. The healing process will be a long journey that requires parents or guardians offering support to children and helping them cope with their emotions. It is important for parents and guardians to realize that talking about the deceased can help with the grieving process and provide closure in this difficult situation. Fingerprint jewellery would also be a great way for a child to remember their loved one. Parents and guardians should also help kids remember the person who has passed through photos, stories, memories and other meaningful activities that will keep their loved one’s memory alive. By doing this, kids can become more comfortable with their new reality while honouring the person who has died.

Double Dog Tag Memorial Engraving

Keep Memories Alive with Photos and Videos


Keeping memories alive of someone who has passed away can be a difficult task. Photos and videos are two great ways to preserve those special moments that can help children remember their loved ones. Photos and videos capture the beauty of a person’s life, the joy in their smile, and the sparkle in their eyes. They provide evidence of a well-lived life and serve as a visual reminder of happy times shared together. It is important for children to recognize these positive memories because it helps them to cope with the loss or absence of someone they cared about deeply.

When photos and videos are used to keep memories alive, it becomes more than just a tribute; it’s also an opportunity for children to learn about the loved one’s interests, hobbies, likes and dislikes. This can help create conversations between parents or guardians and the young ones that were impossible. Not only do photos and videos serve as an emotional connection between people, but they also bring back fond memories that may have been forgotten over time. In addition, when placed in an album or digital frame, they make a great storytelling device that can be revisited again and again whenever needed.

Encourage Open Conversation

Encouraging open conversations can be important in helping children remember someone who has died. Giving children the space to talk about their feelings and share their memories is a great way to help them process their grief and come to terms with the loss. Open conversations allow children to feel comfortable expressing their emotions and create meaningful connections with those around them. This can also encourage the development of relationships with people who will help support them through difficult times. It’s important to define clear boundaries around talking about death so it doesn’t become too overwhelming for young minds. Parents and guardians should actively listen and acknowledge how challenging it can be for children while being honest and open about what has happened. Guiding children towards helpful resources such as books, articles, or websites related to loss can guide them on how to deal with their grief in healthy ways. Ultimately, even though talking about death is not easy, it is essential to help children remember those who have passed away in a respectful way that allows them to move forward positively in life.

Make A Memory Box

Making a memory box is a great way to help children remember someone who has passed away. A memory box gives them a way to keep the memories of their loved one alive and cherish those memories for years to come. To make the memory box, gather items that remind you of the person, such as photos, letters, cards, and other mementoes. Another idea would be a beautiful piece of memorial jewellery, such as ashes rings jewellery or a memorial necklace. Place these items in a special box or container along with a journal where they can write down their thoughts and feelings about their loved ones. Looking through the memory box can help the child process their grief safely and healthily. It’s also an opportunity for parents or guardians to talk about anything the child might feel. Involving children in decorating the box can also help make it more personal for them. Any items placed in the memory box must be age-appropriate; this will help children understand death without being overwhelmed by too much information. Memory boxes can be displayed in their room or somewhere else special; this allows them to access it whenever they feel like looking at it or writing something in it.

11 of the best memory boxes for precious tokens | Life | Yours


Remembering someone who has died is often a painful experience, but honouring their memory helps us cope with our grief while providing us with comfort at the same time. As parents, it’s essential we provide our children with the necessary support so they can come through this challenging period in life feeling safe and secure—it’s what our loved ones would want for us too! With patience, understanding, and compassion, we can all honour those who have passed away while holding tight to our cherished memories of them forevermore.

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